Welcome to the R tutorial version of Data Science Rosetta Stone. Before beginning this tutorial, please check to make sure you have R 3.3.1 installed (this is not required, but this was the release used to generate the following examples). Also, the following R packages are used throughout this tutorial. You may not need all of the following packages to fit your specific needs, but they are listed below, and also in Appendix Section 2 with more detail, for your information:
To install R packages you need to run the following in the R console:
Note: In R, comments are indicated in code with a “#” character, and arrays and matrices begin with index 1. Also, “<-” and “=” can be used interchangeably.
Now let’s get started!
# call the gdata package
student_xls <- read.xls('/Users/class.xls', 1)
There is more code involved in reading a .json file into R so it becomes a proper data frame. Also, this code is specific for a certain .json format, so you may have to change it to fix your needs.
# call the rjson package
temp <- fromJSON(file = '/Users/class.json')
temp <- do.call('rbind', temp)
temp <- data.frame(temp, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
temp <- transform(temp, Name=unlist(Name), Sex=unlist(Sex), Age=unlist(Age),
Height=unlist(Height), Weight=unlist(Weight))
temp$Name <- as.factor(temp$Name)
temp$Sex <- as.factor(temp$Sex)
temp$Age <- as.integer(temp$Age)
student_json <- temp
The shape of an R data frame is available by calling the dim() function, with the data name as an argument.
## [1] 19 5
Information about an R data frame is available by calling the str() function, with the data name as an argument.
## 'data.frame': 19 obs. of 5 variables:
## $ Name : Factor w/ 19 levels "Alfred","Alice",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "F","M": 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 ...
## $ Age : int 14 13 13 14 14 12 12 15 13 12 ...
## $ Height: num 69 56.5 65.3 62.8 63.5 57.3 59.8 62.5 62.5 59 ...
## $ Weight: num 112 84 98 102 102 ...
The first 5 observations of a data frame are available by calling the head() function, with the data name as an argument. By default, head() returns 4 observations, but we can alter the function to return 5 observations in the way shown below (n= ). The tail() function is analogous and returns the last observations.
head(student, n=5)
# We must apply the is.numeric() function to the data set which returns a
# matrix of booleans that we then use to subset the data set to return
# only numeric variables
# Then we can use the colMeans() function to return the means of
# column variables
colMeans(student[sapply(student, is.numeric)])
## Age Height Weight
## 13.31579 62.33684 100.02632
Summary statistics of a data frame are available by calling the summary() function, with the data name as an argument.
## Name Sex Age Height Weight
## Alfred : 1 F: 9 Min. :11.00 Min. :51.30 Min. : 50.50
## Alice : 1 M:10 1st Qu.:12.00 1st Qu.:58.25 1st Qu.: 84.25
## Barbara: 1 Median :13.00 Median :62.80 Median : 99.50
## Carol : 1 Mean :13.32 Mean :62.34 Mean :100.03
## Henry : 1 3rd Qu.:14.50 3rd Qu.:65.90 3rd Qu.:112.25
## James : 1 Max. :16.00 Max. :72.00 Max. :150.00
## (Other):13
# Notice the subsetting of student with the "$" character
## [1] 22.77393
## [1] 1900.5
## [1] 19
## [1] 150
## [1] 50.5
## [1] 99.5
## 11 12 13 14 15 16
## 2 5 3 4 4 1
table(student$Age, student$Sex)
## F M
## 11 1 1
## 12 2 3
## 13 2 1
## 14 2 2
## 15 2 2
## 16 0 1
# The "," character tells R to select all columns of the data set
females <- student[which(student$Sex == 'F'), ]
head(females, n=5)
Weight <- student$Weight
# points(mean(Weight)) tells R to plot the mean on the boxplot
boxplot(Weight, ylab="Weight")
Height <- student$Height
# Notice here you specify the x variable, followed by the y variable
plot(Height, Weight)
plot(Height, Weight)
# lm() models Weight as a function of Height and returns the parameters
# of the line of best fit
model <- lm(Weight~Height)
coeff <- coef(model)
intercept <- as.matrix(coeff[1])[1]
slope <- as.matrix(coeff[2])[1]
# abline() prints the line of best fit
# text() prints the equation of the line of best fit, with the first
# two arguments specifying the x and y location, respectively, of where
# the text should be printed on the graph
text(55, 140, bquote(Line: y == .(slope) * x + .(intercept)))
counts <- table(student$Sex)
# beside = TRUE indicates to print the bars side by side instead of on top of
# each other
# names.arg indicates which names to use to label the bars
barplot(counts, beside=TRUE, ylab= "Frequency", xlab= "Sex",
# Subset data set to return only female weights, and then only male weights
Female_Weight <- student[which(student$Sex == 'F'), "Weight"]
Male_Weight <- student[which(student$Sex == 'M'), "Weight"]
# Find the mean of both arrays
means <- c(mean(Female_Weight), mean(Male_Weight))
# Syntax indicates Weight as a function of Sex
boxplot(student$Weight ~ student$Sex, ylab= "Weight", xlab= "Sex")
# Plot means on boxplots in blue
points(means, col= "blue")
# call the ggplot2 package
student$Sex <- factor(student$Sex, levels = c("F","M"),
labels = c("Female", "Male"))
ggplot(data = student, aes(x = Sex, y = Weight, fill = Sex)) +
geom_boxplot() + stat_summary(fun.y = mean,
color = "black", geom = "point",
shape = 18, size = 3)
ggplot2 | factor() | c() | aes() | geom_boxplot() | stat_summary()
# Notice here how you can create the BMI column in the data set just by
# naming it
student$BMI <- student$Weight / (student$Height)**2 * 703
head(student, n=5)
# Notice the use of the ifelse() function for a single condition
student$BMI_Class <- ifelse(student$BMI<19.0, "Underweight", "Healthy")
head(student, n=5)
Using the log(), exp(), sqrt(), ifelse() and abs() functions.
student$LogWeight <- log(student$Weight)
student$ExpAge <- exp(student$Age)
student$SqrtHeight <- sqrt(student$Height)
student$BMI_Neg <- ifelse(student$BMI < 19.0, -student$BMI, student$BMI)
student$BMI_Pos <- abs(student$BMI_Neg)
# Create a Boolean variable
student$BMI_Check <- (student$BMI == student$BMI_Pos)
head(student, n=5)
# -c() function tells R not to select the columns listed
student <- subset(student, select = -c(LogWeight, ExpAge, SqrtHeight,
BMI_Neg, BMI_Pos, BMI_Check))
head(student, n=5)
student <- student[order(student$Age), ]
# Notice that R uses a stable sorting algorithm by default
head(student, n=5)
student <- student[order(student$Sex), ]
# Notice that the data is now sorted first by Sex and then within Sex by Age
head(student, n=5)
# Notice the syntax of Age, Height, Weight, and BMI as a function of Sex
aggregate(cbind(Age, Height, Weight, BMI) ~ Sex, student, mean)
# Look at the tail of the data currently
tail(student, n=5)
# rbind.data.frame() function binds two data frames together by rows
student <- rbind.data.frame(student, data.frame(Name='Jane', Sex = 'F',
Age = 14, Height = 56.3,
Weight = 77.0,
BMI = 17.077695,
BMI_Class = 'Underweight'))
tail(student, n=5)
toKG <- function(lb) {
return(0.45359237 * lb)
student$Weight_KG <- toKG(student$Weight)
head(student, n=5)
# Notice the use of the fish data set because it has some missing
# observations
fish <- read.csv('/Users/fish.csv')
# First sort by Weight, requesting those with NA for Weight first
fish <- fish[order(fish$Weight, na.last=FALSE), ]
head(fish, n=5)
new_fish <- na.omit(fish)
head(new_fish, n=5)
# Notice the use of the student data set again, however we want to reload
# it without the changes we've made previously
student <- read.csv('/Users/class.csv')
student1 <- subset(student, select=c(Name, Sex, Age))
head(student1, n=5)
student2 <- subset(student, select=c(Name, Height, Weight))
head(student2, n=5)
new <- merge(student1, student2)
head(new, n=5)
all.equal(student, new)
## [1] TRUE
newstudent1 <- subset(student, select=c(Name, Sex, Age))
head(newstudent1, n=5)
newstudent2 <- subset(student, select=c(Height, Weight))
head(newstudent2, n=5)
new2 <- cbind(newstudent1, newstudent2)
head(new2, n=5)
all.equal(student, new2)
## [1] TRUE
# Notice we are using a new data set that needs to be read into the
# environment
price <- read.csv('/Users/price.csv')
# call the dplyr package
# The following code is used to remove the "," and "$" characters from the
# ACTUAL column so that values can be summed
price$ACTUAL <- gsub('[$]', '', price$ACTUAL)
price$ACTUAL <- as.numeric(gsub(',', '', price$ACTUAL))
filtered = group_by(price, COUNTRY, STATE, PRODTYPE, PRODUCT)
basic_sum = summarise(filtered, REVENUE = sum(ACTUAL))
head(basic_sum, n=5)
dplyr | group_by | summarise()
## [1] California Colorado Florida
## [4] Illinois New York North Carolina
## [7] Texas Washington Baja California Norte
## [10] Campeche Michoacan Nuevo Leon
## [13] British Columbia Ontario Quebec
## [16] Saskatchewan
## 16 Levels: Baja California Norte British Columbia California ... Washington
In the following sections, several data set will be used more than once for prediction and modeling. Often, they will be re-read into the environment so we are always going back to the original, raw data.
# Notice we are using a new data set that needs to be read into the
# environment
iris <- read.csv('/Users/iris.csv')
features <- subset(iris, select = -c(Target))
pca <- prcomp(x = features, scale = TRUE)
## Standard deviations:
## [1] 1.7061120 0.9598025 0.3838662 0.1435538
## Rotation:
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
## SepalLength 0.5223716 -0.37231836 0.7210168 0.2619956
## SepalWidth -0.2633549 -0.92555649 -0.2420329 -0.1241348
## PetalLength 0.5812540 -0.02109478 -0.1408923 -0.8011543
## PetalWidth 0.5656110 -0.06541577 -0.6338014 0.5235463
# Set the sample size of the training data
smp_size <- floor(0.7 * nrow(iris))
# set.seed() is used to specify a seed for a random integer so that the
# results are reproducible
train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(iris)), size = smp_size)
train <- iris[train_ind, ]
test <- iris[-train_ind, ]
write.csv(train, file = "/Users/iris_train_R.csv")
write.csv(test, file = "/Users/iris_test_R.csv")
floor() | nrow() | set.seed() | sample() | seq_len() | write.csv()
# Notice we are using a new data set that needs to be read into the
# environment
tips <- read.csv('/Users/tips.csv')
# The following code is used to determine if the individual left more
# than a 15% tip
tips$fifteen <- 0.15 * tips$total_bill
tips$greater15 <- ifelse(tips$tip > tips$fifteen, 1, 0)
# Notice the syntax of greater15 as a function of total_bill
# You could fit the model of greater15 as a function of all
# other variables with "greater15 ~ ."
logreg <- glm(greater15 ~ total_bill, data = tips,
family = "binomial"(link='logit'))
## Call:
## glm(formula = greater15 ~ total_bill, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
## data = tips)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.6757 -1.1766 0.8145 1.0145 2.0774
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 1.64772 0.35467 4.646 3.39e-06 ***
## total_bill -0.07248 0.01678 -4.319 1.57e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 335.48 on 243 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 313.74 on 242 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 317.74
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
# Notice the syntax of tip as function of total_bill
linreg <- lm(tip ~ total_bill, data = tips)
## Call:
## lm(formula = tip ~ total_bill, data = tips)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -3.1982 -0.5652 -0.0974 0.4863 3.7434
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.920270 0.159735 5.761 2.53e-08 ***
## total_bill 0.105025 0.007365 14.260 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.022 on 242 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.4566, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4544
## F-statistic: 203.4 on 1 and 242 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Many of the following models will make use of the predict() function.
# Notice we are using new data sets that need to be read into the environment
train <- read.csv('/Users/tips_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/tips_test.csv')
train$fifteen <- 0.15 * train$total_bill
train$greater15 <- ifelse(train$tip > train$fifteen, 1, 0)
test$fifteen <- 0.15 * test$total_bill
test$greater15 <- ifelse(test$tip > test$fifteen, 1, 0)
logreg <- glm(greater15 ~ total_bill, data = train,
family = "binomial"(link='logit'))
## Call:
## glm(formula = greater15 ~ total_bill, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
## data = train)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.6409 -1.1929 0.8144 1.0027 2.0381
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 1.64613 0.39459 4.172 3.02e-05 ***
## total_bill -0.07064 0.01849 -3.820 0.000134 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 267.61 on 194 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 250.58 on 193 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 254.58
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
# Prediction on testing data
predictions <- predict(logreg, test, type = 'response')
predY <- ifelse(predictions < 0.5, 0, 1)
# If the prediction probability is less than 0.5, classify this as a 0
# and otherwise classify as a 1. This isn't the best method -- a better
# method would be randomly assigning a 0 or 1 when a probability of 0.5
# occurrs, but this insures that results are consistent
# Determine how many were correctly classified
Results <- ifelse(predY == test$greater15, "Correct", "Wrong")
## Results
## Correct Wrong
## 34 15
# Notice we are using new data sets that need to be read into the environment
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
# Fit a linear regression model
# The "." character tells the model to use all variables except the response
# variabe (Target)
linreg <- lm(Target ~ ., data = train)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Target ~ ., data = train)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -15.6466 -2.8461 -0.5395 1.7077 26.2160
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 36.108196 6.504968 5.551 5.73e-08 ***
## X0 -0.085634 0.042774 -2.002 0.046077 *
## X1 0.046034 0.017150 2.684 0.007626 **
## X2 0.036413 0.076006 0.479 0.632186
## X3 3.247961 1.074138 3.024 0.002686 **
## X4 -14.872938 4.636090 -3.208 0.001463 **
## X5 3.576869 0.536993 6.661 1.10e-10 ***
## X6 -0.008703 0.016853 -0.516 0.605890
## X7 -1.368905 0.252960 -5.412 1.18e-07 ***
## X8 0.313120 0.082366 3.802 0.000170 ***
## X9 -0.012882 0.004599 -2.801 0.005383 **
## X10 -0.976900 0.170996 -5.713 2.43e-08 ***
## X11 0.011326 0.003359 3.372 0.000832 ***
## X12 -0.526715 0.062563 -8.419 1.08e-15 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 4.988 on 340 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7236, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7131
## F-statistic: 68.48 on 13 and 340 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
# Predict on testing data
prediction = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(test)))
prediction$predY = predict(linreg, newdata = test)
# Compute the squared difference between predicted tip and actual tip
prediction$sq_diff <- (prediction$predY - test$Target)**2
# Compute the mean of the squared differences (mean squared error)
# as an assessment of the model
mean_sq_error <- mean(prediction$sq_diff)
## [1] 17.77131
# Notice we are using new data sets that need to be read into the environment
train <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_test.csv')
# call the tree package
treeMod <- tree(Target ~ ., data = train, method = "class")
# Plot the decision tree
# Determine variable importance
## Regression tree:
## tree(formula = Target ~ ., data = train, method = "class")
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
## [1] "X23" "X27" "X1" "X28" "X4"
## Number of terminal nodes: 6
## Residual mean deviance: 0.02688 = 10.54 / 392
## Distribution of residuals:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -0.97820 -0.01575 0.02183 0.00000 0.02183 0.98430
# Prediction on testing data
out <- predict(treeMod, test)
out <- unname(out)
predY <- ifelse(out < 0.5, 0, 1)
# Determine how many were correctly classified
Results <- ifelse(test$Target == predY, "Correct", "Wrong")
## Results
## Correct Wrong
## 159 12
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
treeMod <- tree(Target ~ ., data = train)
# Plot the decision tree
# Determine variable importance
## Regression tree:
## tree(formula = Target ~ ., data = train)
## Variables actually used in tree construction:
## [1] "X5" "X12" "X7" "X0"
## Number of terminal nodes: 7
## Residual mean deviance: 14.67 = 5091 / 347
## Distribution of residuals:
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -28.0000 -1.8070 0.3264 0.0000 2.2320 10.0100
# Prediction on testing data
prediction = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(test)))
prediction$predY = predict(treeMod, newdata = test)
# Determine mean squared error
prediction$sq_diff <- (prediction$predY - test$Target)**2
mean_sq_error <- mean(prediction$sq_diff)
## [1] 25.12126
train <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_test.csv')
# call the randomForest package
# as.factor() since classification model
rfMod <- randomForest(as.factor(Target) ~ ., data = train)
# Determine variable importance
var_import <- importance(rfMod)
var_import <- data.frame(sort(var_import, decreasing = TRUE,
index.return = TRUE))
var_import$MeanDecreaseGini <- var_import$x
var_import$X <- var_import$ix - 1
var_import <- subset(var_import, select = -c(ix, x))
head(var_import, n=5)
# Prediction on testing data
predY <- predict(rfMod, test)
# Determine how many were correctly classified
Results <- ifelse(test$Target == predY, "Correct", "Wrong")
## Results
## Correct Wrong
## 166 5
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
# call the randomForest package
rfMod <- randomForest(Target ~ ., data = train)
# Determine variable importance
var_import <- importance(rfMod)
var_import <- data.frame(sort(var_import, decreasing = TRUE,
index.return = TRUE))
var_import$MeanDecreaseGini <- var_import$x
var_import$X <- var_import$ix - 1
var_import <- subset(var_import, select = -c(ix, x))
head(var_import, n=5)
# Prediction on testing data
prediction = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(test)))
prediction$predY = predict(rfMod, newdata = test)
# Determine mean squared error
prediction$sq_diff <- (prediction$predY - test$Target)**2
mean_sq_error <- mean(prediction$sq_diff)
## [1] 9.028163
train <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_test.csv')
# call the gbm package
# distribution = "bernoulli" is appropriate when there are only 2
# unique values
# n.trees = total number of trees to fit which is analogous to the number
# of iterations
# shrinkage = learning rate or step-size reduction, whereas a lower
# learning rate requires more iterations
gbMod <- gbm(Target ~ ., distribution = "bernoulli", data = train,
n.trees = 2500, shrinkage = .01)
# Determine variable importance
var_import <- summary(gbMod)
head(var_import, n=5)
# Prediction on testing data
out <- predict(object = gbMod, newdata = test,
type = "response", n.trees = 2500)
predY <- ifelse(out < 0.5, 0, 1)
# Determine how many were correctly classified
Results <- ifelse(test$Target == predY, "Correct", "Wrong")
## Results
## Correct Wrong
## 167 4
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
# call the gbm package
gbMod <- gbm(Target ~ ., data = train, distribution = "gaussian",
n.trees = 2500, shrinkage = .01)
# Determine variable importance
var_import <- summary(gbMod)
head(var_import, n=5)
# Predict the Target in the testing data, remembeing to multiply by 50
prediction = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(test)))
prediction$predY <- predict(object = gbMod, newdata = test,
type = "response", n.trees = 2500)
# Compute mean squared error
prediction$sq_diff <- (prediction$predY - test$Target)**2
mean_sq_error <- mean(prediction$sq_diff)
## [1] 11.88728
train <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_test.csv')
# call the xgboost package
# Fit the model
xgbMod <- xgboost(data.matrix(subset(train, select = -c(Target))),
data.matrix(train$Target), max_depth = 3, nrounds = 2,
objective = "binary:logistic", n_estimators = 2500,
shrinkage = .01)
## [1] train-error:0.037688
## [2] train-error:0.020101
# Prediction on testing data
predictions <- predict(xgbMod,
select = -c(Target))))
predY <- ifelse(predictions < 0.5, 0, 1)
# Determine how many were correctly classified
Results <- ifelse(test$Target == predY, "Correct", "Wrong")
## Results
## Correct Wrong
## 165 6
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
# call the xgboost package
# Fit the model
xgbMod <- xgboost(data.matrix(subset(train, select = -c(Target))),
data.matrix(train$Target), max_depth = 3, nrounds = 10,
n_estimators = 2500, shrinkage = .01)
## [1] train-rmse:17.131615
## [2] train-rmse:12.419768
## [3] train-rmse:9.116973
## [4] train-rmse:6.777830
## [5] train-rmse:5.182819
## [6] train-rmse:4.113659
## [7] train-rmse:3.403357
## [8] train-rmse:2.955893
## [9] train-rmse:2.677797
## [10] train-rmse:2.485887
# Prediction on testing
prediction = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(test)))
prediction$predY <- predict(xgbMod,
data.matrix(subset(test, select = -c(Target))))
# Compute the squared difference between predicted tip and actual tip
prediction$sq_diff <- (prediction$predY - test$Target)**2
# Compute the mean of the squared differences (mean squared error)
# as an assessment of the model
mean_sq_error <- mean(prediction$sq_diff)
## [1] 14.27491
Note: In implementation scaling should be used.
train <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/breastcancer_test.csv')
# call the e1071 package
# Fit a support vector classification model
svMod <- svm(Target ~ ., train, type = 'C-classification', kernel = 'linear', scale = FALSE)
# Prediction on testing data
predY <- unname(predict(svMod, subset(test, select = -c(Target))))
# Determine how many were correctly classified
Results <- ifelse(test$Target == predY, "Correct", "Wrong")
## Results
## Correct Wrong
## 162 9
Note: In implementation scaling should be used.
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
# call the e1071 package
svMod <- svm(Target ~ ., train, scale = FALSE)
# Prediction on testing data
prediction = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(test)))
prediction$predY <- unname(predict(svMod, test))
prediction$sq_diff <- (prediction$predY - test$Target)**2
## [1] 79.81455
# Notice we are using new data sets
train <- read.csv('/Users/digits_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/digits_test.csv')
trainInputs <- subset(train, select = -c(Target))
testInputs <- subset(test, select = -c(Target))
# call the RSNNS package
trainTarget <- decodeClassLabels(train$Target)
testTarget <- decodeClassLabels(test$Target)
# Fit neural network regression model
nnMod <- mlp(trainInputs, trainTarget, size = c(100), maxit = 200)
# Prediction on testing data
predictions <- predict(nnMod, testInputs)
# Determine how many were correctly classified
confusionMatrix(testTarget, predictions)
## predictions
## targets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 1 57 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
## 2 1 55 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
## 3 1 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 2 4
## 4 0 0 4 49 0 0 0 2 0 4
## 5 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0
## 6 0 0 0 0 0 56 2 0 0 1
## 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0
## 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 0
## 9 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 0
## 10 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 51
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
# call the RSNNS package
# Scale input data
scaled_train <- data.frame(scale(subset(train, select = -c(Target))))
scaled_test <- data.frame(scale(subset(test, select = -c(Target))))
# Fit neural network regression model, dividing target by 50 for scaling
nnMod <- mlp(scaled_train, train$Target / 50, maxit = 250, size = c(100))
# Assess against testing data, remembering to multiply by 50
preds = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(test)))
preds$predY <- predict(nnMod, scaled_test)*50
preds$sq_error <- (preds$predY - test$Target)**2
## [1] 12.75267
iris = read.csv('/Users/iris.csv')
iris$Species = ifelse(iris$Target == 0, "Setosa",
ifelse(iris$Target == 1, "Versicolor", "Virginica"))
features <- as.matrix(subset(iris, select = c(PetalLength, PetalWidth,
SepalLength, SepalWidth)))
kmeans <- kmeans(features, 3)
table(iris$Species, kmeans$cluster)
## 1 2 3
## Setosa 50 0 0
## Versicolor 0 48 2
## Virginica 0 14 36
# call the kernlab package
spectral <- specc(features, centers = 3, iterations = 10, nystrom.red = TRUE)
labels <- as.data.frame(spectral)
table(iris$Species, labels$spectral)
## 1 2 3
## Setosa 50 0 0
## Versicolor 0 47 3
## Virginica 0 3 47
hclust <- hclust(dist(features), method = "ward.D2")
table(iris$Species, cutree(hclust, 3))
## 1 2 3
## Setosa 50 0 0
## Versicolor 0 49 1
## Virginica 0 15 35
# call the dbscan package
# eps = 0.5 is default in Python
dbscan <- dbscan(features, eps = 0.5)
table(iris$Species, dbscan$cluster)
## 0 1 2
## Setosa 1 49 0
## Versicolor 6 0 44
## Virginica 10 0 40
# call the kohonen package
# Seed chosen to match SAS and R results
fit <- som(features, mode = "online", somgrid(4, 4, "rectangular"))
plot(fit, type = "dist.neighbour", shape = "straight")
# Read in new data set
air <- read.csv('/Users/air.csv')
air_series <- air$AIR
plot.ts(air_series, ylab="Air")
a_fit <- arima(air_series, order = c(0,1,1),
seasonal = list(order = c(0,1,1), period = 12),
method = "ML")
# call the forecast package
a_forecast <- forecast(a_fit, 24)
plot(a_forecast, xlab = "Month", ylab = "Air")
# Read in new data set
usecon <- read.csv('/Users/usecon.csv')
petrol_series <- usecon$PETROL
petrol <- ts(petrol_series, frequency = 12)
plot.ts(petrol, ylab="Petrol")
# call the forecast package
ses_fit <- ses(petrol, h=24, alpha = 0.9999)
plot(ses_fit, xlab = "Month", ylab = "Petrol")
vehicle_series <- usecon$VEHICLES
vehicle <- ts(vehicle_series, frequency = 12)
plot.ts(vehicle, ylab="Vehicle")
# call the forecast package
add_fit <- HoltWinters(vehicle, seasonal = "additive")
add_forecast <- forecast(add_fit, 24)
air <- read.csv('/Users/air.csv')
# call the prophet & dplyr packages
air_df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nrow(air)))
air_df$ds <- as.Date(air$DATE, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
air_df$y <- air$AIR
m <- prophet(air_df, yearly.seasonality = TRUE, weekly.seasonality = FALSE)
## Initial log joint probability = -2.46502
## Optimization terminated normally:
## Convergence detected: absolute parameter change was below tolerance
future <- make_future_dataframe(m, periods = 24, freq = "month")
forecast <- predict(m, future)
plot(m, forecast)
train <- read.csv('/Users/boston_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/boston_test.csv')
# Random Forest Regression Model
# call the randomForest package
rfMod <- randomForest(Target ~ ., data = train)
# Evaluation on training data
predY <- predict(rfMod, train)
predY <- unname(predY)
# Determine coefficient of determination score
r2_rf <- 1 - ( (sum((train$Target -
predY)**2)) / (sum((train$Target -
mean(train$Target))**2)) )
print(paste0("Random forest regression model r^2 score (coefficient of determination): ", r2_rf))
## [1] "Random forest regression model r^2 score (coefficient of determination): 0.972080769152132"
# Random Forest Regression Model (rfMod)
# Evaluation on testing data
predY <- predict(rfMod, test)
predY <- unname(predY)
# Determine coefficient of determination score
r2_rf = 1 - ( (sum((test$Target -
predY)**2)) / (sum((test$Target -
mean(test$Target))**2)) )
print(paste0("Random forest regression model r^2 score (coefficient of determination): ", r2_rf))
## [1] "Random forest regression model r^2 score (coefficient of determination): 0.886681832095677"
randomForest | predict() | unname()
The formula used here for the coefficient of determination score is based off the Python skearn formula for r2_score. For more information about model assessment in R, please review information about the R package caret.
train <- read.csv('/Users/digits_train.csv')
test <- read.csv('/Users/digits_test.csv')
# Random Forest Classification Model
# call the randomForest package
rfMod <- randomForest(as.factor(Target) ~ ., data = train)
# Evaluation on training data
predY <- predict(rfMod, train)
predY <- unname(predY)
# Determine accuracy score
accuracy_rf <- (1/nrow(train)) * sum(as.numeric(predY == train$Target))
print(paste0("Random forest model accuracy: ", accuracy_rf))
## [1] "Random forest model accuracy: 1"
# Random Forest Classification Model (rfMod)
# Evaluation on testing data
predY <- predict(rfMod, test)
predY <- unname(predY)
# Determine accuracy score
accuracy_rf <- (1/nrow(test)) * sum(as.numeric(predY == test$Target))
print(paste0("Random forest model accuracy: ", accuracy_rf))
## [1] "Random forest model accuracy: 0.974074074074074"
randomForest | predict() | unname()
The formula used here for the accuracy score is based off the Python skearn formula for accuracy_score. For more information about model assessment in R, please review information about the R package caret.
Data manipulation
Converting R objects into JSON objects, and JSON objects into R objects
Visualizations and graphics
Working with data frame like objects
Decision trees models
Random forest models
Gradient boosting models
Extreme gradient boosting models
Support vector machine models
Neural network models
Training and plotting classification and regression models
Spectral clustering
DBSCAN clustering
Supervised and unsupervised self-organizing maps
Displaying and analyzing time series for forecasting
A one-dimensional data frame. Please see the following example of array creation and access:
my_array <- c(1, 3, 5, 9)
## [1] 1 3 5 9
## [1] 1
An R Data Frame is a two-dimensional tabular structure with labeled axes (rows and columns), where data observations are represented by rows and data variables are represented by columns.
A dictionary is an associative array which is indexed by keys which map to values. Therefore, a dictionary is an unordered set of key:value pairs where each key is unique. In R, a dictionary can be implemented using a named list. Please see the following example of named list creation and access:
student <- read.csv('/Users/class.csv')
values <- student$Age
names(values) <- student$Name
## James
## 12
An R list is a sequence of comma-separated objects that need not be of the same type. Please see the following example of list creation and access:
list1 <- list('item1', 102)
## [[1]]
## [1] "item1"
## [[2]]
## [1] 102
## [[1]]
## [1] "item1"